Comprehensive Stormwater Modeling and Analysis Software
Stormwater systems can be very complex to model, with flow backups and reversals, surcharged pipes, and more. OpenFlows CivilStorm is one solution for all your stormwater modeling needs:
- Detect system bottlenecks, improve capacity, and limit stormwater flooding, so you can comply with stormwater regulations
- Minimize capital investments on your infrastructure with optimized network designs and master plans for your entire system.
OpenFlows CivilStorm performs analysis of all aspects of stormwater systems: rainfall, runoff, inlet capture and bypass, gravity and pressure piping, ponds, outlet structures, open channels, culverts, and more. It provides:
- Comprehensive stormwater modeling: Analyze pressure and free-surface flow conditions for networks of channels and closed conduits; model complex pond outlets for a variety of tailwater conditions; and use weirs, orifices, culverts, risers, and inlet boxes in your design.
- Effortless design: OpenFlows CivilStorm recommends the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations, while meeting design restrictions. It guides you through the complex pond and outlet design process and streamlines complicated culvert hydraulics.
- Streamlined model building and management: Leverage and import virtually any external data format to jump-start the model. Then, manipulate the model data effectively, with the ability to use a multitude of data entry and model editing tools that simplify and shorten the modeling process.
OpenFlows CivilStorm is a superset of OpenFlows StormCAD and a subset of OpenFlows SewerGEMS.
Software Capabilities
Load models with wet weather runoff flows derived from Hydro-35 or Intensity-Duration-Frequency rainfall events. Runoff flows are computed using the Rational Method.
Calculate the proportion of stormwater runoff that will enter an inlet versus the proportion that will be carried downstream in a gutter or pond on the road surface. Quickly confirm that the spread of flow in a gutter doesn’t exceed design requirements.
Jumpstart the model-building process and manage your model effectively so that you can focus on making the best engineering decisions. Leverage and import many well known external data formats, which maximizes ROI on geospatial and engineering data and automates input data generation.
Select from a library of standard culvert shapes, materials, and entrance conditions, then compute culvert headwater and tailwater elevations using calculation methodologies outlined in Hydraulic Design Series Number 5 from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.
Model the effect that low impact development controls have in retaining runoff before it enters the stormwater system.
Leverage PondMaker’s guiding process through the confusing maze of pond design steps by following the step-by-step process that provides constant feedback on how the design is progressing. Set the maximum outflow rate, estimate storage, and check the outlet design and final design.
Minimize capital investments by simply entering your design restrictions: velocities, slopes, cover depths, and pipe and inlet matching offsets. The software product recommends the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations, avoiding unnecessary pipe trench excavation, while meeting design restrictions.
Easily switch among multiple solvers according to the type of system you are analyzing: Saint Venant equations and rational/gradually varied flow solver.
Simulate the generation, inflow, and transportation and treatment of any number of user-defined pollutants, such as total suspended solids or heavy metals.